Automatic syncing of configuration changes between 2 DHCP failover servers or DHCP Failover Auto Config Sync (DFACS)

I know MS retired the PS gallery, but as MS always does, the alternative to sync DHCP reservations in active-active mode was not provided. So, I copied this DFACS tool here so you can find it.

DHCP Failover is a new feature in Windows Server 2012 that provides a high availability of DHCP service.  Two DHCP servers in a failover relationship synchronize the IP address lease information on a continual basis, keeping their respective databases up-to-date with client information and in sync with each other. However, if the user makes any changes in any property/configuration (e.g. add/remove option values, reservation) of a failover scope, he/she needs to ensure that it is replicated to the failover server. Windows Server 2012 provides functionality for performing this replication using DHCP MMC as well as PowerShell. But these require initiation by the user. This requirement for explicitly initiating replication of scope configuration can be avoided by using a tool that automates this task of replicating configuration changes on the failover server. DHCP Failover Auto Config Sync (DFACS) is a PowerShell-based tool that automates the synchronization of configuration changes. The zip file attached to this post contains –

1. DHCPFailoverAutoConfigSyncTool.ps1 – DHCP Failover auto config sync PowerShell script

2. install.ps1- Install script to integrate the script with Windows Task Scheduler

3. Config_AutoSync.xml – Sample config file

4. DHCPFailoverAutoConfigSync.docx – Usage guide document for the auto config sync tool

The tool was updated on 20 Jun 2013 to include a fix for periodic synchronization of scope configurations. Also, while running in its default mode, it can now automatically include any failover relationships that were created after it was started. A restart of the tool is required only if the user is running the tool in selective replication mode.

The tool was updated on 19 Feb 2014 with the below changes:

  • Added verbose logging for error scenarios
  • Added instruction for usage of non-administrator account for running the script in task scheduler
  • Added instruction to disable security on the scripts
# Logs output to output screen and file $outputFileName. 
# If color value is given output on screen is logged with the given color value. 
function log([string]$outputString,[string]$color) 
    if($color -ne "") 
        Write-Host $outputString -ForegroundColor $color  #To log output on screen. 
        Write-Host $outputString  #To log output on screen. 
    $outputString >> $script:outputFileName #To log output to file $outputFileName. 
# Help function. 
function Help() 
    Write-Host "" 
    Write-Host "USAGE: PS C:\>.\DhcpFailoverAutoConfigSyncTool.ps1" -ForegroundColor "Cyan" 
    Write-Host "Config_AutoSync.xml present in current working directory will be used for configuration parameters." -ForegroundColor "Cyan" 
    Write-Host "" 
    Write-Host "In Default Replication Mode" -ForegroundColor "Cyan" 
    Write-Host "    - The tool will sync any scope change belonging to all failover relations on this server." -ForegroundColor "Cyan" 
    Write-Host "    - No specific admin action is required. The tool takes care of auto sync of all scopes in all Failover relations" -ForegroundColor "Cyan" 
    Write-Host "" 
    Write-Host "In Selective Replication Mode" -ForegroundColor "Cyan" 
    Write-Host "    - The tool takes care of auto sync of ONLY the Failover relations mentioned in config file." -ForegroundColor "Cyan" 
    Write-Host "    - Admin should add entries under <FailoverRelationships>. More details are provided in Config_AutoSync.xml" -ForegroundColor "Cyan"     
    Write-Host "" 
    Write-Host "WARNING: When the tool is running, it will not pick" -ForegroundColor "Yellow" 
    Write-Host "         1. Any change done in Config_AutoSync.xml. [Applicable for both Default Replication Mode and Selective Replication Mode]" -ForegroundColor "Yellow"     
    Write-Host "         2. Any new Failover relationship is created. [Applicable only in Selective Replication Mode]" -ForegroundColor "Yellow"     
    Write-Host "         SOLUTION: Stop the tool (By hitting Ctrl+C) and re-run the tool!" -ForegroundColor "Yellow" 
# Closes tool gracefully clearing all registry keys, values. 
# Assumes sever will be in sync when tool starts again. 
function CloseTool() 
    log "Tool is exiting." "Cyan" 
    log "Deleting registry key maintained by the tool." 
        Remove-Item -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\DHCPServer\Parameters\DHCPAutoSync" -ea stop 
    log "Shutting down completed successfully." 
# Parse input configuration xml file. 
function ParseInputXml() 
        $inputXmlNode=[xml](Get-Content $Script:configFileName) 
        if($documentNode -ne $null) 
            if($logFileNameValue -ne $null) 
                    "$(Get-Date)" >> $script:outputFileName 
                    Write-Host "WARNING: Unable to write to log file $script:outputFileName" -ForegroundColor "Yellow" 
                    Write-host "WARNING: Writing to default log file .\DhcpAutoSyncLogfile.txt" -ForegroundColor "Yellow" 
                    "$(Get-Date)" >> $script:outputFileName 
                log "ERROR: <LogFileName> node is missing in Config_AutoSync.xml" "Red" 
            if($sleepTimeValueInMin -ne $null) 
                log "ERROR: <PeriodicRetryInterval> node is missing in Config_AutoSync.xml" "Red" 
            Write-Host "ERROR: Unable to read configuration file Config_AutoSync.xml" -ForegroundColor "Red" 
        Write-Host "ERROR: Unable to read configuration file Config_AutoSync.xml" -ForegroundColor "Red" 
# Checks input relation and makes sure if script is running on other side  
# it is not syncing scopes for this relation. 
function CheckRelation($relationName) 
        $failoverRelation=Get-DhcpServerv4Failover -Name $relationName -ea Stop 
            if(($dhcpAutoSyncKey.GetValueNames() -contains $relationName) -or  
               ($dhcpAutoSyncKey.GetValue("MasterMode") -eq "True")) 
              log "DhcpFailoverAutoConfigSyncTool is already running on partner server for Failover relation $relationName." "Red" 
              log "If the tool is not running on the partner server or some other error has occured, then please restart " "Red" 
              log "the tool on server $remoteServerName or exclude Failover relation $relationName from current context." "Red" 
              log "ERROR: Conflict Detected! Aborting script..." "Red" 
            log "Adding relation $relationName to list of relations which will be automatically synced." 
            [System.Array]$script:allRelations += $relationName 
        catch # Tool not running on other side. 
            log "Adding relation $relationName to list of relations which will be automatically synced." 
            [System.Array]$script:allRelations += $relationName 
    } # Relation is down or doesn't exist. 
        log "WARNING: Partner server for relation $relationName not accessible." "Yellow" 
        log "Adding relation $relationName to list of relations which will be automatically synced." 
        [System.Array]$script:allRelations += $relationName 
# Checks every relation considered for sync and makes sure script  
# is not running on other side/server also with this relation initially. 
function CheckAllRelations() 
    if($script:includeRelations -eq $null) # If no relation is given to be included than including all as default case. 
        $Script:masterMode = $Script:masterMode -and $true 
        $Script:masterMode = $Script:masterMode -and $false 
    if($script:excludeRelations -eq $null) 
        $Script:masterMode = $Script:masterMode -and $true 
        $script:includeRelations= @($script:includeRelations| Where-Object {$script:excludeRelations -notcontains $_}) 
        $Script:masterMode = $Script:masterMode -and $false 
    foreach($relationName in $script:includeRelations) 
        CheckRelation $relationName 
        log "Running script in Default Replication Mode." "Cyan" 
        log "All scopes belonging to any failover relation (including the newly added relations) will be synced automatically." 
        log "Running script in Selective Replication Mode." "Cyan" 
        if($script:allRelations -eq $null) 
            log "WARNING: No failover relation found to sync." "Yellow" 
            log "Cleaning all and exiting." 
        log "Scope belonging to following failover relations will be automatically synced:" 
        foreach($relationName in $script:allRelations) 
            log "$relationName" 
# Initializes all variables and all  
# relations which this script will handle. 
function Initialize() 
    if($Script:args.count -gt 0) 
    if(Test-Path $Script:configFileName) 
        Write-Host "Parsing Xml Configuration file." 
        Write-Host "Configuration file parsed." 
        Write-Host "Configuration file $Script:configFileName not found." 
    log "Initialization Complete." "Cyan" 
# Initializing... 
# Tries to sync given scope $scopeName with recordId $recordId. 
# If it fails due to network problem then it automatically tries again 
# later else logs error with red color and scope has to be synced manually. 
# In selective if scope belongs to relation not under consideration  
# than changes are ignored. 
function TrySync([string]$scopeName,[int64]$recordId) 
        $output=Get-DhcpServerv4Failover -ScopeId $scopeName -ea stop 
        if($script:masterMode -or ($script:allRelations -contains $($output.Name))) 
                $output=Invoke-DhcpServerv4FailoverReplication -ScopeId $scopeName -Force -ea stop 
                log "Scope $output synced." "Green" 
                if($Error[0].FullyQualifiedErrorId -match $script:networkDownError) 
                    log "" 
                    log "ERROR: $($Error[0])" "Red" 
                    log "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" 
                    log "Unable to sync scope $scopeName because of some network problem. Will automatically try again" "Red" 
                    log "after $script:sleepTimeValueInMin Minutes." "Red" 
                    log "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" 
                    log "" 
                    log "ERROR: $($Error[0])" "Red" 
                    log "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" 
                    log "Scope $scopeName not synced. Please sync it manually." "Red" 
                    log "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" 
            #log "WARNING: Scope $scopeName belongs to relation $($output.Name) which doesn't belong to set of relations being automatically synced." "Yellow" 
            #log "Not syncing changes made to scope $scopeName." "Yellow" 
        # Scope doesn't belong to any relation please create a failover relation for it to ensure safety. 
        log "WARNING: Scope $scopeName doesn't belong to any failover relation and the changes will " "Yellow" 
        log "not be synchronized.Please create a failover relation for it to ensure safety." "Yellow" 
# C# code for event subscription. 
# Wait is done till new event is registered or timeout time $sleepTimeValueInMin is reached. 
$EventSubscriptionCode = @" 
using System; 
using System.Threading; 
using System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader; 
namespace PSDHCPAutoSyncEventSubscription 
    public class EventSubscription 
        public AutoResetEvent newEventRegistered = new AutoResetEvent(false); 
        public bool ctrlCPressed=false; 
        public void SubscribeEvents() 
            EventLogQuery subscriptionQuery =  
                new EventLogQuery("Microsoft-Windows-Dhcp-Server/Operational", PathType.LogName, "*[System[EventID>=0]]"); 
            EventLogWatcher scopeRelationChangeEventWatcher = new EventLogWatcher(subscriptionQuery); 
            scopeRelationChangeEventWatcher.EventRecordWritten += 
            new EventHandler<EventRecordWrittenEventArgs>(ScopeRelationChangeEventRead); 
            scopeRelationChangeEventWatcher.Enabled = true; 
            Console.TreatControlCAsInput = false; 
            Console.CancelKeyPress += new ConsoleCancelEventHandler(CtrlCHandler); 
        public void ScopeRelationChangeEventRead(object obj, EventRecordWrittenEventArgs arg) 
        public void CtrlCHandler(object sender, ConsoleCancelEventArgs args) 
# Adding C# code to PowerShell script and creating new object of this type. 
Add-Type -TypeDefinition $EventSubscriptionCode -Language CSharp 
$eventSubscriber = New-Object PSDHCPAutoSyncEventSubscription.EventSubscription 
# Extracts current bookmark from registry. If it is not available than  
# assumes servers are already in sync and starts sync process from current time. 
    $output=New-Item -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\DHCPServer\Parameters\DHCPAutoSync" -ea stop 
    # Removing these warnings since they are irrelevant when integrated with schtask 
    #log "WARNING: Encountered error while creating new Registry key." "Yellow" 
    #log "         Possibly the tool was not closed properly during last execution." "Yellow" 
    #log "         ERROR Value: $($Error[0])" "Yellow" 
    # Cleaning all values in key except bookmark. 
        log "Cleaning all previous values in key except bookmark." 
        $baseKey=Get-Item -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\DHCPServer\Parameters\DHCPAutoSync" -ea stop 
        foreach($keyValueName in $keyValueNames) 
            if($keyValueName -ne $bkmrkName) 
                Remove-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\DHCPServer\Parameters\DHCPAutoSync" -Name $keyValueName -ea stop  
        log "WARNING: Unable to clean registry." "Yellow" 
        $output=New-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\DHCPServer\Parameters\DHCPAutoSync" -Name "MasterMode" -PropertyType String -Value "True" -ea stop 
        # Removing these warnings since they are irrelevant when integrated with schtask 
        #log "WARNING: Encountered error while creating new Registry value string MasterMode." "Yellow" 
        #log "         ERROR Value: $($Error[0])" "Yellow" 
    foreach($relationName in $script:allRelations) 
            $output=New-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\DHCPServer\Parameters\DHCPAutoSync" -Name $relationName -PropertyType String -Value "" -ea stop 
            # Removing these warnings since they are irrelevant when integrated with schtask 
            #log "WARNING: Encountered error while creating new Registry value string $relationName." "Yellow" 
            #log "         ERROR Value: $($Error[0])" "Yellow" 
    $output=New-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\DHCPServer\Parameters\DHCPAutoSync" -Name "$bkmrkName" -PropertyType String -Value "" -ea stop 
    # Removing these warnings since they are irrelevant when integrated with schtask 
    #log "WARNING: Encountered error while creating new Registry value string for bookmark." "Yellow" 
    #log "         ERROR Value: $($Error[0])" "Yellow" 
    [PSCustomObject]$bkmrk=Get-ItemProperty  -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\DHCPServer\Parameters\DHCPAutoSync" -Name "$bkmrkName" -ea stop 
    if(($bkmrk -eq "") -or ($bkmrk -eq $null)) 
            $bkmrk=Get-WinEvent -LogName "Microsoft-Windows-Dhcp-Server/Operational" -MaxEvents 1 
        catch # No events in event log. 
catch #Registry corrupted 
        $bkmrk=Get-WinEvent -LogName "Microsoft-Windows-Dhcp-Server/Operational" -MaxEvents 1 
    catch # No events in event log. 
# Bool which is set if record id overflows max int64 value. 
# Network errors contain this string. 
$networkDownError="WIN32 17" 
# Scopes which do not get synced due to network errors 
# are added to this hashtable. They are synced again whenever do while  
# loop starts again. 
# Is set true if wait returns without timeout i.e. if new event occurs before $sleepTimeInMilliSecs. 
# Main code starts here... 
# Suscribing to events. 
$sw = New-Object System.Diagnostics.StopWatch 
# Syncs all modified scopes whenever a scope modification event is  
# registered or timeout time $sleepTimeValueInMin is reached. 
    if($sw.Elapsed.TotalMinutes -gt $sleepTimeValueInMin) 
        log "Periodic Sync TimeOut Happened:" 
            foreach($relationName in $script:includeRelations) 
                log "Syncing Relation:$relationName" 
                Invoke-DhcpServerv4FailoverReplication -Name $relationName  -Force  
        log "Sync process complete at $(Get-Date)." 
        log "==================================================================================================" "Green" 
            if($Error[0].FullyQualifiedErrorId -match $networkDownError) 
                log "" 
                log "Error: $($Error[0])" "Red" 
                log "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" 
                log "Unable to sync scope $scopeName because of some network problem. Will automatically try again " 
                log "after $script:sleepTimeValueInMin Minutes." 
                log "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" 
                log "" 
                log "Error: $($Error[0])" "Red" 
                log "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" 
                log "Scope $scopeNameCurr not synced.Please sync it manually." "Red" 
                log "If it does not belong to any relation please create a failover relation for it to ensure safety." 
                log "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"                         
        # Checking RecordId has not overflown. 
        if($bkmrk -eq [System.Int64]::maxvalue) 
        if($pendingScopesTable.Count -ne 0) 
            log "" 
            log "Syncing scopes which were not synced earlier due to network problem." 
            foreach($scopeName in $pendingScopesTable.Keys) 
                    $output=Invoke-DhcpServerv4FailoverReplication -ScopeId $scopeName -Force -ea stop 
                    log "Scope $output synced." "Green" 
                    if($Error[0].FullyQualifiedErrorId -match $networkDownError) 
                        log "" 
                        log "Error: $($Error[0])" "Red" 
                        log "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" 
                        log "Unable to sync scope $scopeName because of some network problem. Will automatically try again " 
                        log "after $script:sleepTimeValueInMin Minutes." 
                        log "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" 
                        log "" 
                        log "Error: $($Error[0])" "Red" 
                        log "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" 
                        log "Scope $scopeNameCurr not synced.Please sync it manually." "Red" 
                        log "If it does not belong to any relation please create a failover relation for it to ensure safety." 
                        log "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" 
            foreach($scopeName in $syncedScopesTable.Keys) 
            $eventarray=Get-WinEvent -LogName "Microsoft-Windows-Dhcp-Server/Operational" -FilterXPath "*[System[(EventRecordID > $bkmrk)]]" -Oldest -ea stop 
        foreach ($event in $eventarray) 
            $eventXmlNode = [xml] $event.ToXml() 
            $eventScopeNameNode = $eventXmlNode.Event.EventData.Data | where { ($_.Name -eq "IP_ScopeName") -or ($_.Name -eq "IP_Name") } 
            if($eventScopeNameValue -ne $null) 
                $eventScopeNameValueSplit = $eventScopeNameValueSplit | where { $_ -ne ""} 
                if(($scopeNamePrev -eq $null) -or ($scopeNamePrev -eq $scopeNameCurr)) 
                    TrySync "$scopeNamePrev" $($event.RecordId - 1 ) 
        if($scopeNameCurr -ne $null) 
            TrySync "$scopeNameCurr" $event.RecordId 
        if($eventarray -ne $null) 
        if($pendingScopesTable.Count -eq 0) 
            Set-ItemProperty -path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\DHCPServer\Parameters\DHCPAutoSync" -Name "$bkmrkName" -Value "$bkmrk" 
        # Reseting signal for new events as all new events will be considered after this. 
        # Checks if log contains entry after bookmark than start sync process again without logging. 
        # It is possible if new events are logged while earlier events were getting processed. 
            $eventarray=Get-WinEvent -LogName "Microsoft-Windows-Dhcp-Server/Operational" -FilterXPath "*[System[(EventRecordID > $bkmrk)]]" -Oldest -ea stop 
            if(($eventarray -ne $null) -or  
               ($pendingScopesTable.Count -ne 0) -or  
               ($syncedScopesTable.Count -ne 0) -or ($wait)) # Check if anything happend in this loop. 
                if($pendingScopesTable.Count -eq 0) 
                    log "Sync process complete at $(Get-Date)." 
                    log "Will automatically sync again when new configuration changes are made." 
                    log "==================================================================================================" "Green" 
                    log "Sync process complete at $(Get-Date)." 
                    log "Will automatically sync again when new configuration changes are made or after $script:sleepTimeValueInMin Minutes." 
                    log "==================================================================================================" 
            if($eventSubscriber.ctrlCPressed -eq $true) 
            $wait=$eventSubscriber.newEventRegistered.WaitOne($sleepTimeInMilliSecs, $true) 
            if($eventSubscriber.ctrlCPressed -eq $true) 
while(-not $recordIdOverflow) 
# Record id has overflown. Stopping tool with warning. 
log "Record Id in the events log has overflown." "Red" 
log "Please clear log Microsoft-Windows-Dhcp-Server/Operational and restart tool." "Red" 

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